Man who vanished while on bail finally sentenced for fatal 2015 shooting – The London Free Press
GN notes: “on Jan. 30, 2020, the day before Thomas was supposed impose sentence – the original joint submission from the Crown and the defence for five years in prison – Fageer cut off his ankle bracelet in the middle of a Toronto street and disappeared.” The Canadian bail system is a farce. And a 7.5 years sentence for killing a good man who was taking care of a disabled person is also unacceptable.

Man who vanished while on bail finally sentenced for fatal 2015 shooting – The London Free Press
GN notes: “on Jan. 30, 2020, the day before Thomas was supposed impose sentence – the original joint submission from the Crown and the defence for five years in prison – Fageer cut off his ankle bracelet in the middle of a Toronto street and disappeared.” The Canadian bail system is a farce. And a 7.5 years sentence for killing a good man who was taking care of a disabled person is also unacceptable.

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